Hard to say goodbye
Turning to a new chapter brings mixed emotions – the confusing culmination of loss with anticipation. But, face a new chapter we must from time to time, as the “Author and Perfecter of our faith” continues to write our stories.

Turning to a new chapter brings mixed emotions – the confusing culmination of loss with anticipation. But, face a new chapter we must from time to time, as the “Author and Perfecter of our faith” continues to write our stories.
Love is not a feeling. Love is a commitment.
As any parent may tell you, real love isn’t shown in a boutique of flowers, a box of chocolates, or even a diamond ring. REAL LOVE is found in the Mom who is up at 2 am with a scared child or a Dad who makes sure to be in the stands cheering at their daughter’s game. Love is an action that says “you matter and are valued.”
To try and demonstrate to some of our Elementary students at Show-Me just how much they are loved, we showed them the large stacks of responses that Show-Me received when we sent our Boosters a request.
And, what does that mean to the kids? Well, click on the video above and hear for yourself if it makes a difference!
Who is a Booster?
Boosters are a special kind of Show-Me hero – individuals, families, and groups who voluntarily give Show-Me permission to “let them know when we’re running low” or have a special, unbudgeted need.
As a member of the “Come Thru Crew,” Boosters go above and beyond. They are ready at anytime to answer our call for help to support the children who call Show-Me “home” by standing in the gap as a faithful source of stability through prayer and financial support.
Do you have what it takes to be a hero to children? Then, sign up to become a Booster today!