Christian School Honors
The past few weeks have been busy for the students and teachers of the Show-Me Christian School. We have celebrated both their academic and athletic accomplishments from the past year. Nearly all of our students participate in organized sports here at our main campus in La Monte. This past year, we had teams that competed in Girls Volleyball, Boys and Girls Basketball, Archery, Track & Field, and Girls Softball. Our annual athletic banquet honored all of the hard work each of our athletes put in throughout the year. Some of our feature awards were: giving out six new varsity letter jackets, scholar athlete awards, given to students who participated in three sports while maintaining a 3.0 grade average, and we honored our Girls State Champion Track & Field Team from 2017 with a special commemorative plaque.
We also honored all of our students at our annual academic banquet. During this banquet, each student is recognized with a Christ-like character trait. Teachers evaluate each student’s performance throughout the year, choosing the trait that the student most showed throughout the year. Each student really looks forward to hearing the trait each of their teachers sees in them. Some of the other honors given throughout the evening include: Supervisor’s Student award, given to the highest performing student in each classroom, three new inductions into the National Christian Honor Society, given to high school students who achieve not only high grades, but maintain high character, and Bible Memorization medals are given to students who memorized every monthly memory verses. 41 out of 45 of our students earned this medal.
We are proud of all of our kids, and all of their God-given talents! We cannot wait to see what the next school year holds.