New Image for Show Me Homes

Dear Friends,
‘Things don’t happen by chance, they happen by change.’
After celebrating 50 fantastic years of Show-Me Christian Youth Home, let’s launch into the next 50 with a fresh new image of what Show-Me is all about.  Let’s challenge the image of a “youth home” by exploring who needs a place like Show-Me and what the ultimate goal of this ministry truly looks like.
You, I, and the rest of the world, need Show-Me.  Not all of us will need to place a child here (but, honestly, if we ever find ourselves in that position, I’m glad we have a choice).  We need this ministry because there will always be vulnerable kids who need a home, a family.  As a Christ-follower, I have a unique opportunity and obligation to reach into their lives.  Christianity never looks more beautiful than when His people engage in the needs of the world around them.
The ultimate goal beyond the “Rescue” includes the “Restore.”  We strive to prepare each child for a healthy future and excellent eternity.  Healthy, restored, Christ-following adults make this world a better place for all of us.
Show-Me evaluated every aspect of the program and made significant changes and updates to reflect the needs of the children we serve.  Now, in this 51st year, let’s launch a new image of Show-Me Christian Youth Home!
I love the new image: fresh, inspiring, simple.  “Show-Me Homes,” what most folks call us anyway, and though “Christian” and “Youth” are no longer part of the branding, it will always be our driving force, as reflected boldly in our Mission:  “Compelled by Christ to Rescue and Restore Young Lives.”
Thank you for joining the force to reach into vulnerable lives, provide for their needs, and prepare them for a great future and eternity!
Blessed to Bless,
Chad Puckett
By |2018-09-18T16:55:12-05:00September 18th, 2018|Categories: Celebration, Children, Events, Uncategorized|

Twice the Blessings

Dear Friend of Show-Me,
PROGRESS. It is an essential ingredient to transform STRUGGLE into SUCCESS. If we are ever to leap from “what is” to “what could be,” progress is the small steps we must continuously make. As Winston
Churchill said, “continuous effort—not strength or intelligence—is the key to unlocking our potential.”

Recently, the smallest of lives reminded me of this truth. As we heard “Timmy’s”* name called out at the school awards ceremony, most of us in the audience began to tear up. Our cheers turned into a standingovation as he proudly made his way across the stage. His notable smile widened as he received the “Mr. Progress” award, a special honor given to the student who makes the most progress in a school year.

What an inspiring moment for a child! The opportunity to see his struggle turn into success! It was the culmination of an eight-year battle to overcome his continuous behavioral and learning issues. His teachers and Show-Me parents had exhausted many great ideas to try to help the
little guy. Nothing seemed to work to control his anger and hyperactivity. Timmy seemed to cause so many “problems” that it was easy to lose sight of the many problems he was trying to solve in his young life.

One Child’s Story: Timmy
Only three years old, Timmy, with his Mom and five young siblings, fled an abusive home and ended up at a women’s shelter. Knowing it was no place to raise kids, the ministry counseled Mom and told her of Show-Me. She hoped to place her children there for only a short time while the shelter helped her get back on her feet. Soon, that plan unraveled and mom ended up in jail. Not the ending we all hoped for, but at least the children could remain together. In the safety and stability of Show-Me, they discovered their academic, artistic, and athletic talents. They continuously earned Honor Roll and achieved numerous awards.

Each of the siblings found a way to thrive…except Timmy. He began to believe that he might never overcome his struggles. His “problems” were interwoven. Struggles in school led to acting out at home. The only way to solve one problem was to help him understand and deal with them all.

We approached his issues together from all angles.
• Counselors helped him to understand and talk about his past.
• His houseparents created an environment in which he could thrive with consistency and routines. Breaks were added to his studies so he could go outside and run out his extra energy.
• Our self-paced school gave him structure to focus and minimize distractions.
Feeling the love of so many people who believed in him and his future, something clicked! With an amazing attitude, congenial spirit, hard work and determination, Timmy is now embracing a new role for himself and finding success.

How can a child transform struggle into success? The number one factor is a team of support that never gives up. And, that’s exactly what Timmy had in his corner. A team, including YOU, who believes in each child’s potential and is ready to invest in their success. To challenge YOU to be a part of the next child’s team, an anonymous donor has offered to match your gift to Show-Me this summer. Every gift received by July 31st will be DOUBLED – up to a total of $20,000!You can make your donation here! So, let’s create more moments like these for the “Timmy’s” who haven’t had that moment, yet – a moment that makes an impact for a lifetime.
Thank you for believing in each of these young lives and being part of their team. With your support, together, we can turn their STRUGGLE into SUCCESS!

Awaiting the next moment,

Donation receipt signature

Chad Puckett, Director

By |2018-07-02T16:03:14-05:00July 2nd, 2018|Categories: Child's Story, Children, Uncategorized|

High School Students Serve in Chicago

Over spring break, this past week, our high school students had the opportunity to serve others. They loaded up the vans with four of our house parents, and traveled to Chicago. Throughout the week they served at Pacific Garden Mission, a ministry that serves the homeless in the downtown Chicago area. They helped by making hundreds of beds, serving hundreds of lunches, and resetting the dining room for dinner each day. The mission does not only function as overnight housing for guest, they also have long-term programs that help people get back on their feet. These programs include intense Bible studying and teaching basic life skills to those in the program. The kids worked each day with men who are in the New Life program. These men oversee almost all the functions of the mission and supervised our group during our time there.

Each day we began with a devotion, led by the students. As the week went on, all of the students expressed how impressed they were with the men we were working with. Most of them shared how fortunate they felt to have a place like Show-Me that has stepped in to help take care of their needs. They realized that with out Show-Me their life could have taken a very different path, probably not much different from many of the men we encountered. Through serving these men, women and children the kids had the chance to experience something they will remember for quite sometime. We hope to give our kids many more opportunities like this in the future.

By |2017-04-17T15:37:44-05:00April 17th, 2017|Categories: Children, Teen, Uncategorized|

Hard to say goodbye

How lucky we are to have known someone who is so hard to say goodbye to…

Turning to a new chapter brings mixed emotions – the confusing culmination of loss with anticipation.  But, face a new chapter we must from time to time, as the “Author and Perfecter of our faith” continues to write our stories.

Justin Danielson served as a dear friend and excellent member of the Board of Directors since 2011.  Prior to that, his family served as Relief Houseparents from 2006-2008.  Justin combined his voice of experience with his heart of a pastor to guide the Board toward great decisions.  He and his family invested their time and talents to make the ministry a wonderful place, cheering on the athletes, encouraging the children and staff at Show-Me, and championing the value of this mission in the community.
God called the Danielsons to serve with the Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky.  While the new adventure brings excitement, we mix that with our sadness to have to say “goodbye.”  They will touch lives for the Kingdom there and we will forever be grateful for the fingerprints they left all over our lives at Show-Me.
By |2017-02-25T21:09:13-06:00February 25th, 2017|Categories: Celebration, Uncategorized|