A single mom shouldn’t have to separate herself from her children to “get her life back together,” often due to circumstances beyond her control. Through our new Family Care ministry, she can keep her family intact while she rebuilds her life together with her kids. These moms will receive the support they need to “hit pause,” work through the issues that led them to need our services, and focus on the future success, happiness, and stability of their family.  

The goal-oriented program is designed to provide hard-working single mothers with the time, space, and resources they need to build a safe and stable foundation to become a healthy and independent family with Christ as their cornerstone. The Hubble Home and New Life Home are being modified to provide independent living spaces for multiple families. 

Family Care Ministry Manager – Bobbie Novak

“Over my years, I have seen so many struggling moms,” stated Bobbie Novak, the Family Care Program Manager. “It isn’t lack of desire, but lack of guidance.” Joining the Show-Me family in 2006 as a housemom, Bobbie is uniquely qualified to lead the program as an accredited Family Support Provider. “I’ve had a passion for especially the mothers of the children because I had their babies,” stated Bobbie. “You always want to have the parents as part of their life and part of their success story whenever possible.”

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24302 Mahin Rd, P.O. Box 6, La Monte, MO 65337

Phone: (660) 347-5982

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