How lucky we are to have known someone who is so hard to say goodbye to…
Turning to a new chapter brings mixed emotions – the confusing culmination of loss with anticipation. But, face a new chapter we must from time to time, as the “Author and Perfecter of our faith” continues to write our stories.
Justin Danielson served as a dear friend and excellent member of the Board of Directors since 2011. Prior to that, his family served as Relief Houseparents from 2006-2008. Justin combined his voice of experience with his heart of a pastor to guide the Board toward great decisions. He and his family invested their time and talents to make the ministry a wonderful place, cheering on the athletes, encouraging the children and staff at Show-Me, and championing the value of this mission in the community.
God called the Danielsons to serve with the Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky. While the new adventure brings excitement, we mix that with our sadness to have to say “goodbye.” They will touch lives for the Kingdom there and we will forever be grateful for the fingerprints they left all over our lives at Show-Me.