
The 2016 Troy Culler Memorial Basketball Tournament

The NCAA may have it’s March Madness, but church basketball teams in the Midwest will not be left out. The Troy Culler Memorial Basketball Tournament sponsored by Show-Me Christian Youth Home will give players of all ages the opportunity to compete.

This is the 13th year for the tournament held in La Monte, MO at Show-Me Christian Youth Home.  Eight teams from Missouri, Kansas & Iowa compete in a double elimination tournament.

Due to popular demand, Show-Me Christian Youth Home, will hold two tournaments at our main campus in La Monte, Missouri on:

  • Saturday, February 27th
  • Saturday, March 19th.

This tournament started in memory of Troy Culler, a Show-Me’s employee, who died in a car accident in June of 1998.  Troy was an avid sports fan and athlete, having been a member of the Central Missouri State University Mules 1990 MIAA Baseball championship team.  He had run the Show-Me basketball tournament a few times himself.  After his death, Development Director, Phil Marley and Executive Directors, Gale & Karen Culler continued the tournament as a way to honor Troy.

The dedicated teams make a special effort to be a part of this tournament. Forum Christian Church from Columbia, Missouri has played in the Troy Culler Memorial Tournament for over 10 years.   Grinnell Christian Church team members travel all the way from Grinnell, Iowa to get their shot at winning the trophy.

Teams will be seeded by their placement in the tournament last year and then in the order that your $150 tournament donation is received. It is desired that players are associated with the church or ministry for which they are playing. This activity can be an excellent tool to disciple new Christians, but we will rely upon your best judgment in recruiting players.

These tournaments fill up fast so if you are interested, please contact me at 660-909-3294 or We look forward to this opportunity to meet the players, their families and fans.


By |2016-02-08T17:35:56-06:00February 8th, 2016|Categories: Events, Sports|

2015 Annual Open House

Faith, Family and Fun!

Saturday – September 12, 2015

Join us, Saturday, September 12th for the 2015 Annual Open House!  See first-hand the difference your support is making in the lives of the outstanding young people that call Show-Me “Home.”

The fun starts at 10 AM with refreshments followed by tours of the homes and campus. Throughout the day, there will be activities for:

The whole family will enjoy including:

  • Music Concert by Link Union – Let this award-winning family band take you away on a musical experience of true Americana music combining: country, gospel, folk, bluegrass, jazz, rock, swing, and celtic music.
  • Live Radio broadcast by Spirit FM Christian Radio
  • Smoked Pork Lunch with homemade deserts
  • ‘Leadership U’ Horse Program Exhibition
  • Music by the Kids of Show-Me
  • Tours of Homes
  • Much, much more…

Just for Kids:

  • Family Carnival
  • Bounce House
  • Face Painting
  • Kid’s Games
  • Swimming
  • Prizes

Alumni Reception:

The afternoon will cap off with a special Alumni reception with former staff and Show-Me Children at 3 pm.    Bring your camera or flash drive to make copies of your favorite memories from past years.  We will have picture albums and digital images available for alumni.


By |2015-08-25T09:43:49-05:00August 25th, 2015|Categories: Celebration, Events|

2015 Troy Culler Basketball Tournament

The NCAA may have it’s March Madness, but church basketball teams in the Midwest will not be left out. The Troy Culler MemorialBasketball Tournament sponsored by Show-Me Christian Youth Home will give players of all ages the opportunity to compete.

This is the 12th year for the tournament held in La Monte, MO at Show-Me Christian Youth Home.  Eight teams from Missouri, Kansas & Iowa compete in a double elimination tournament.
Due to popular demand, Show-Me Christian Youth Home, will hold two tournaments.  The first being Saturday, February 28 and the second a month later on Saturday, March 28
This tournament started in memory of Troy Culler, a Show-Me’s employee, who died in a car accident in June of 1998.  Troy was an avid sports fan and athlete, having been a member of the Central Missouri State University Mules 1990 MIAA Baseball championship team.  He had run the Show-Me basketball tournament a few times himself.  After his death, Development Director, Phil Marley and Executive Directors, Gale & Karen Culler continued the tournament as a way to honor Troy.
The dedicated teams make a special effort to be a part of this tournament. Forum Christian Church from Columbia, Missouri  has  played in the Troy Culler Memorial Tournament for over 10 years.   Grinnell Christian Church team members travel all the way from Grinnell, Iowa to get their shot at winning the trophy.
Troy Culler Memorial church basketball tournament sponsored by Show-Me Christian Youth Home in La Monte Missouri. This year we are offering two tournaments in order to accommodate the growing number of teams. The tournaments will be held  at our main campus in La Monte, Missouri on:
  • Saturday, February 15th
  • Saturday, March 15th.

Each double-elimination tournament has spots for eight teams.

Teams will be seeded by their placement in the tournament last year and then in the order that payment is received. It is desired that players are associated with the church or ministry for which they are playing. This activity can be an excellent tool to disciple new Christians, but we will rely upon your best judgment in recruiting players.

These tournaments fill up fast so if you are interested, please contact me at 660-909-3294 or We look forward to this opportunity to meet the players, their families and fans.

By |2015-01-30T13:27:36-06:00January 30th, 2015|Categories: Events|

2014 Annual Open House

Faith, Family and Fun!

Saturday – September 6, 2014

Join us, Saturday, September 6th for the 2014 Annual Open House!  See first-hand the difference your support is making in the lives of the outstanding young people that call Show-Me “Home.”

The festivities start at 10 AM with refreshments followed by tours of the homes and campus. Throughout the day, there will be activities for:

The whole family including:

  • Gospel Music Concert by The Good Twins – enjoy great gospel music, traditional hymns and comedy from this nationally known music duo.
  • Live Radio broadcast by Spirit FM Christian Radio
  • Smoked Pork Lunch with homemade deserts
  • Music by the Kids of Show-Me
  • Tours of Homes
  • Much, much more…

Just for Kids:

  • Family Carnival
  • Bounce House
  • Face Painting
  • Kid’s Games
  • Swimming
  • Prizes

The afternoon will cap off with a special Alumni reception with former staff and Show-Me Children.    Bring your camera or flash drive to make copies of your favorite memories from past years.  We will have picture albums and digital images available for alumni.

By |2014-08-25T10:01:05-05:00August 25th, 2014|Categories: Events|


Every year we plant a garden and my 5 year old girls love to help! This year the little girls and I planted by ourselves, chatting about how wonderful the veggies will be, and praying for God to send plenty of water for it to grow. I showed them how to step around the rows, not to smash the seeds and new plants. One of them, not wanting to disappointed me, followed along right behind me while I made a row and she picked up rocks. “Look mommy! I’m following in your footprints!”  She had no idea how profound that statement was for me.

I shed a small tear and bent to kiss the top of her head. “Yes sweetie, you are.”

This little girl has had more heartache in 5 years than I’ve had my entire life. Witnessed more than she should, and dealt with the passing of her mother. I’ve had her for 3 years and she knows me as mommy. I took a step back that day to evaluate myself. If she’s following in my footprints, am I following in Jesus’ footprints? Am I walking the walk? Am I talking the talk? I want them to see a difference in us from the life they’ve left behind.

I sing a song for my dad on fathers day written by Mark Lowery

Thank you dad for showing me the father
I see his love in everything you do.
Like a clear reflection in the water
I’ve always seen the father in you.

My parents were an excellent example of Christs love and compassion. I want to strive to be worthy every day of my kids following in my footprints.

By |2013-05-31T13:48:35-05:00May 31st, 2013|Categories: Children, Houseparent|Tags: , |

Jerrica’s Story: Rebuilding Bridges

For many of the 2,000 children who have called Show-Me “home,” the path that brought them here was treacherous—one filled with neglect, fear, and uncertainty. Some have been homeless, some have parents in prison, and some of the kids got in trouble with the law themselves where Show-Me was their only alternative to juvenile detention. For others, their guardians’ just felt like Show-Me could provide them with a better life than they could on their own.

Jerrica’s journey is a fairly typical case. She joined our Show-Me family when she was 14 years old. By the time she reached our doors, she had been placed in home after home staying with countless faces. Nothing seemed to work out. “My whole life was a mess. Nobody wanted me. Nobody trusted me. I had burnt all my bridges,” remembers Jerrica.

The thought of graduation and a positive future seemed an unachievable goal. “I never believed I would make much of my life,” said Jerrica. “The idea of graduating in 2012 seemed a million years away. I kept telling myself that I was never going to make it. I should just give up and drop out now.”

Life at Show-Me wasn’t easy at first. Her rebellious attitude and distrust of everybody and everything made “fitting in” difficult. In her eyes, no one seemed to want her. Searching for acceptance, she acted out to try to be “strong” and “hard.” But, her Show-Me houseparents, Jeff and Jessica Weber, would not give up on her. They accepted her for who she was, not how she acted. She became a part of their family providing her with a structure and stability she never had before. That love and guidance changed Jerrica. She began to trust others and with that trust, slowly, came change.

Jerrica has now blossomed. She is active in her youth group, loves to help with the other kids on campus, and always has a smile on her face. She finished her studies early and will not only graduate, but receive her diploma with honors after managing a 3.5 GPA.

Our new Path-to-Purpose program has helped unite her passion for kids with a solid plan and set of resources. She has earned a number of scholarships and is working this summer at a nearby Christian camp to help with school expenses. She will start college in August at Central Christian College of the Bible in Moberly, Missouri working toward her degree in Elementary Education. She hopes to teach Second Grade and make a difference in children’s lives.

“I don’t like thinking of where I would be if it weren’t for God. Before, I dreaded each day. I didn’t know what I would do, who I would meet or where my mom would take me. Now I feel safe and secure,” exclaimed Jerrica. “For the first time, I am excited about the next part of my life and ready to get there. I know it is going to be a bright future and I know I have a huge family who always has my back!”


Shambrishia’s Story: A Family of Her Own

Shambrishia Jones appreciates her family more than words can say. She knows what a blessing they are, because she knows what it is like to be separated from your family and not have a place to call home.

Born to parents who were too young to care for her, she spent the first few years of her life with her grandparents. After five years, they decided it was time for her parents to be responsible for her and her three siblings. Her mom and dad struggled to provide any stability. She remembers, “we moved around a lot, living at homes of my aunts and uncles and with people we did not know. We lived in cars at times and were always going to lots of parties.”

In 1990, nine-year-old Shambrisha, her sister and brothers were placed in foster care. While she admits foster care may have taken her out of a dangerous situation, it also struggled to provide stability. None of the homes could accommodate her whole family, so she kept being separated from her sister and brothers.

“All the foster homes that we stayed in were short term — some were for a year, for others it was only months until we had to move to a different (foster) home and begin again,” said Shambrishia.

Six years and six different foster homes later, her case worker came to her with the news she had been waiting so long to hear. She had finally found her a place where she and her sister, Yoshi, could be together until they were grown. That place was Show-Me Christian Youth Home.

“When I first came to Show-Me I was scared, but also happy. I didn’t know where I was going to be or who I was going to live with, but I knew at least I was going to live with my sister.”

Shambrishia joined the Chaney family in Camdenton. “I finally had a safe, secure and stable, long-term home,” she recounts. After a year that stable home grew into a life-long family when Shambrishia and Yoshi were adopted by the Chaney family.

“Not only did Show-Me allow me to be a part of the Show -Me family, they also gave me a loving, caring, patient, understanding family to call my own.”

After graduating from high school, Shambrishia attended Ozark Christian College, and then returned to Show-Me to provide daycare for the little ones and serve as a relief houseparent. Miss Brishia is still remembered for her big smile, contagious laughter, joyful spirit, and a hug for all the children that spent time in her home. “I wanted to show each of these kids the love of God just as I experienced it growing up here,” she said.

In 2008, God spread that love across the United States when she married Derrick Jones and moved to Maryland to start a family of her own. Their family grew and now includes a daughter, Alayna. Miss Brishia continues to help children at a local public school as an Additional Adult Assistant for children with autism.

“I learned from Show-Me how to be patient with people and make sure I show them that I care about them,” said Shambrishia. “What impacted me the most was the love that Show-Me has for each child no matter where you came from, what brought you to Show-Me, your race or disability. Show-Me accepted me and showed me love — God’s love. As a child that made me feel safe, secure and stable. It showed me that everything was going to be okay. That is what I needed.”


By |2012-09-17T20:26:20-05:00September 17th, 2012|Categories: Child's Story, Children, Teen, Testimony|